Abercrombie & Fitch Sucks
If your going sell your shirts for $50 they better be made with good quality. I found that Abercrombie shirts you can get the same quality from Walmart for $10. Give me a reason to spend $50 before you charge that and NO the moose or your big name across the front won't cut it. I'd rather not let the world know I was duped into paying a 500% markup on some T-shirt.
They also gotta tone down that perfume in their stores. I walked in the other day and had to walk right out because the smell was nauseating .

Saturday December 5, 2009 @ 04:29 PM
RE: Need2research
I love how you site my lack of research and don't any facts of your own to back up your opinion? Since when does my opinion need to have research behind it? You are making a points to say that A&F clothing isn't manufactured in the same way as Walmart but how do you know this? Do you have any proof that A&F manufacturing doesn't include dumping, child laborers, or sweatshops? You are turning this thread into a "Walmart Sucks" thread for no apparent reason. A&F clothing is made in Mexico, Sri Lanka, Macau, China, Hong Kong, and India, most of the same places Walmart clothing is made. The way I see it A&F clothing is actually synonymous to Walmart clothing except A&F is more expensive and they stamp their A&F logo on it. Shopping for clothing at Walmart is actually smarter (and this is my opinion) because at least you're getting what you pay for.
Anybody who owns Abercrombie and Fitch ("A&F") clothing should be able to tell that the materials are the same quality you find in clothing purchased at Walmart.
I never said A&F aren't made up of good business people. They are able to dupe millions of people to buy their sub par clothing, I just feel (and this is my opinion), that their clothing sucks and isn't worth the premium you pay for it.
Wednesday December 23, 2009 @ 02:18 PM
If I am gonna pay $50 for a T-shirt, I want the 3rd world kid that made it included in the purchase...."Sir, here is your shirt...and Juan" Thank you, come again.
Monday April 19, 2010 @ 10:19 PM
A&F does suck i bought a shirt there that was half price and its see thru and thats a friggin tshirt! thats what everyone wants a 20 buck shirt ((half price)) where u can see EVERYTHING under it! SO i totally agree! and
u dont need links to prove ur ideas, ppl can just go there and see proof themselves!
Tuesday April 27, 2010 @ 03:52 PM
I think that Walmart and Abercrombie & Fitch suck equally. But I do hate Walmart to a greater degree
Wednesday March 30, 2011 @ 07:59 AM
Any store where you are greeted with a "welcome to a&F...would you like a flashlight?" (this includes hollister) should be blacklisted...
Saturday November 26, 2011 @ 12:31 PM
Abercrombie is a company that does not care about their customers. I twice placed orders for clearance items, and both times the order got cancelled without any reason and notification to me. The company customer service promises to call back but they never do. This company sucks big time. Don't buy from them.
Monday October 8, 2012 @ 06:41 PM
I agree with Arthur. I recently had a problem with them. I returned a pair of pants that were too big, but they didn't have the pants I ordered so they sent me a different color, hoping I wouldn't notice. When I called to complain the girl offered to send me the new pants with no return shipping fee. Great, since I was already out $10 for original shipping and $7 for the first return. Then my daughter tells me the wrong color pants also didn't fit, so i call to cancel and the new customer rep says the first one messed up and she is writing her up, and if I want another pair of pants I have to pay another $10 for shipping! I ask for a supervisor and she gets all attitude and says "I am a supervisor, and we didn't ship you the wrong pants, you ordered the wrong color." I will never buy from them again. And I'm returning these to the store. Online shopping shouldn't cost you more, especially when you are ordering something they don't sell in the stores, like school uniforms. And you are right, for the prices they charge, customers deserve more respect.
Tuesday February 19, 2013 @ 02:19 PM
I ordered from Abercrombie on LIne and paid with Pay Pal. After 30 minutes and 3 phone calls the would not refund my $ despite the face I produced the receipt. They said a store credit was the only thing they could offer me. They then gave me a card to e-mail my request for a refund to my pay pall account or credit card. I sent an email with all the information the store suggested. Despite giving the email address the information to process the return multiple times, they continue to say what can I help you with. I called the customer service # and was told the only way to resolve my issue was to send an email and wait 48 hours for a response. I have a number of 13 years olds who love merchandise from this store, but I have the most difficult time purchasing from them. I ask for something in a store, and they never know what I am asking for and then they say sorry I can't leave this area, you'll have to find someone else and ask them. The teens love their styles but they need to be somewhat customer friendly to the moms who are paying the bills!
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Tuesday December 1, 2009 @ 06:59 PM
So A & F sucks, because they have good marketing and have convinced people to buy products why?
A & F's business practices are no where near as revolting as Wal-mart's. I mean, when Wal-mart first moves into an area (opens a store in a market it wasn't previously in) it will deliberately sell products below its costs to force its competitors out of business, typically small family owned been in business for decades businesses (mom and pop type stores). It's a business practice called "dumping" and it's illegal in the Unite States of America. Wal-mart has been fined for it multiple times. Wal-mart will also demand from the manufacturers it carries to continuously lower the price at which they sell their goods to Wal-mart by every year. If they say won't or can't Wal-mart simply threatens and then follows through, on dropping company A (American company for example) for company B (typically makes products in China or India). Since the USA and most other industrialized nations have a minimum wage or laws against child labor, slavery, sweat shops, etc. companies in those industrialized nations can't compete. Since Wal-mart is the largest retailer in the country, those manufacturer's are often forced to take losses on their products or use foreign labor, to reduce costs. And then more Americans become jobless, so you can save a bucks on a product and continue to encourage sweat shops, child labor, slavery, etc.
Perhaps, before making your statement "Abercrombie & Fitch Sucks," it would be better to research where and how its products are made. If they're made in the same place as Wal-mart, then the comment is well deserved, but at this time you have nothing to back up your opinion.