Funny Status Message #83761
X is I throw lemons at life and say learn how to live.
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- Related Status Messages:
- # 7487 Sometimes when life hands you lemons you just need to take those lemons and throw them back in life's face and say "How dare you!!! Don't come back here till you have some oranges or at least a pretty good sized grapefruit!"
- # 12691 They say that if life throws you lemons, throw them back or make lemonade. But them b*stards never said anything about if life kicks you in the balls. Yeah, there's no recovery from that one!
- # 89046 ..We can learn a lot in life from our crayons we had as kids; some are dull, some are bright, and they are all different colors, but they have to learn to live in the same box..(",)
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