Funny Status Message #82868
X says It's not cheating if you let your girlfriend watch.
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- # 61963 I asked my gf to record the game on ESPN, which she did, but not ESPN-HD. And then she says, 'Well, at least you still get to watch it.' Oh yeah, I pay extra money so I can watch TV like poor people. I don't even feel bad for cheating on you this weekend.
- # 80887 if they are cheating, they won't tell you they're cheating. If they aren't cheating, they won't tell you they are cheating. So you'll hear either, “I'm not cheating,” or “I'm not cheating.”
- # 70923 It's not what it looks like - I have been hearing that a lot lately from my girlfriend. Do you think she is cheating on me?
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