Funny Status Message #62083
X I was living with a girl for a while. We worried about different things. One day, I was like, What do you fear the most? And she was like I fear youll meet someone else and youll leave me and I'll be all alone. And she was like what do you fear? Bears

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 18939 "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself"...and spiders. Oh, and ticks and nuclear war and getting laid off and losing your eye sight and...
- # 130657 The only thing to fear is fear itself. Also: -Zombies. -Velociraptors. -Unwanted pregnancy. -The Hamburglar. -Spiders. -Madonna's arms.
- # 94635 The greatest fear is NOT fear itself. It's dropping your phone in a port-a-potty!
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