Funny Status Message #31250
X I love it when people say they haven't evacuated during a hurricane because they had to protect their homes. Who the hell do they think they are? Superman?

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- # 180179 Rush Limbaugh who called hurricane Irma a hoax, has evacuated his florida residence. Now why would he do that if Irma is a hoax?
- # 69603 Can we name the next hurricane Shaniqua or something? I feel like if we give hurricanes ghetto names, people will be more inclined to get away from them. Hurricane Irene sounds friendly. Hurricane Shaniqua will rip out your weave if you look at it wrong.
- # 149136 H0m0ph0bia is stupid. Who the hell is afraid of homes.
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Monday September 13, 2010 @ 01:43 AM
They are referring to looters, not the hurricane.