Funny Status Message #210007
X is Four Am*rican soldiers are missing in Lithuania, and the "president" didn't even know about it. Because the guy in charge of the military? Is yet another f**king M*G* MORON.

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 210006 Four American soldiers are missing in Lithuania, and the "president" didn't even know about it. Because the guy in charge of the military? Is yet another f**king M*G* MORON.
- # 210013 How has SecDef Hegseth not briefed POTUS on the missing U.S. soldiers in Lithuania? This has been in the public domain for 8+ hours. Your dumb*ss country is so f*cked LOLZZZZ
- # 65089 To the person who said "God didnt put tattoos" on Amy Winehouse, God didnt make haircolor either, but Ms Clairol isnt going to hell. Ignorant moron.
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