Funny Status Message #209672
X is He doesn't know how to drive.
He doesn't know how to pump gas. He doesn't know how to buy groceries. He doesn't know how to use a computer. He's lived in a gold, chauffeured bubble his entire life.
So many of you think he's great LMFAO

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 209673 He doesn't know how to drive. He doesn't know how to pump gas. He doesn't know how to buy groceries. He doesn't know how to use a computer. He's lived in a gold, chauffeured bubble his entire life. And so many of you think he's great LMFAO
- # 15338 Doesnt matter if you own a DSLR, that doesnt means you are a photographer.
- # 6908 doesnt want to die, not because he is afraid of death but because he is worried about all the crap people will find on his computer when hes gone.
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