Funny Status Message #209605
X says The FAA & NASA have approved a manned launch of Elon Musk's Starship within the next week provided it's manned by Donald Trump.

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- # 32678 I'm going to open my own Walmart... Every register will be manned... A bouncer at each front door that will not let "THE PEOPLE OF WALMART" come in. And the slogan will be "Get yo' sh@# & get out."
- # 29868 Why is it that, in a world full of silicon chips, hand held computers, waterproof paper, and manned space travel, can I not get the little chain to stay attached to the drainage plug in the back tank of my toilet seat
- # 209632 I'm all for gay rights. I wish Donald Trump and JD Vance the best. Now we wait for the video of Putin joining them for a three-way, recorded by Elon. A four-way circle jerk if you will.
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