Funny Status Message #209542
X says Yes, I didn't get the halftime show. I also didn't attend an F-rated school, I'm not part of the 13% that commits 60% of violent crimes, and I know who to send the Father's Day card to on Father's Day.

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- # 65089 To the person who said "God didnt put tattoos" on Amy Winehouse, God didnt make haircolor either, but Ms Clairol isnt going to hell. Ignorant moron.
- # 61018 Father's Day Then And Now: In 1911, fathers prayed their children would learn English. Today, fathers pray their children will speak English.
- # 61077 Happy father day to the men in our lives that have made a diffrence when we didnt have one to be there.., our uncles, brothers, grandfathers teachers bosses,step didnt have to be there, but we were all grateful you were.
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