Funny Status Message #207773
X says Do men still go to bars to meet women? Go to Target. The female to male ratio is ten to one, and they’re already looking for things they don’t need.

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 178981 hy do guys go to bars to meet women? Go to Target. There's like 10 women to each man and they're already there looking for things they don't need.
- # 11110 Electricians even know that there are "male" connectors and "female" connectors on wiring and such. You can try plugging "male" to "male" or "female" to "female", but it's a ludicrous effort.
- # 183466 Did you know oranges can be male or female? If it squirts in your eye without warning it's a male and if it's bitter for no reason it's a female.
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