Funny Status Message #185344
X says When someone knocks on my door, I find the best thing to do is knock back from my side. Then they go away.

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 45948 Why is it that when opportunity knocks on ur door, it knocks only once. But temptation? That b!!!tch leans on the damn door bell!
- # 45950 Why is it when opportunity knocks on your door, it knocks only once. But temptation... That b*tch leans on the damn door bell!
- # 183592 I find it very irritating when someone knocks on the door then when you ask who it is they say 'ME' .Like if I knew who it was I wouldn't have asked, Seriously Now!
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Funny Facebook Statuses
Tuesday April 10, 2018 @ 06:51 AM
When you are walking down the street and a homeless dude rattles his cup of change, reach into your pocket and rattle your car keys.