Funny Status Message #18224
X Channel 5 just showed a graph of the "Top 5 Wettest Months", but surprisingly, the month 'New Moon' came out was not on the list.
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- Related Status Messages:
- # 104940 Last month was one of the wettest 'JUNES' in recorded history. I think that was down to all the 50 Shades of Grey books that were sold !!!
- # 206108 If the "Why does the lgbt get a month, but veterans get a day" people actually cared for the military theyd know the military gets multiple days and months, also they would mention "why does the military get one day"? during any other month
- # 117147 I just Googled 'Nicolas Cage jokes' and it showed me a list of every film he's been in. Well played, Google.
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