Funny Status Message #140156
X says My Neighbor mows his lawn every Sunday morning at 7:00am sharp! So tonight I'm listing his mower for sale on Craigslist at 11:00pm for only $5.00. That should keep his phone ringing most of the night!..........(sleeping in tomorrow!)

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 105524 My Neighbor mows his lawn every Sunday morning at 7:00am sharp! So tonight I'm listing his mower for sale on Craigslist at 11:00pm for only $5.00. That should keep his phone ringing most of the night!..........(sleeping in tomorrow!)
- # 206702 Just sold a lawn mower on eBay. That will be the last time my neighbor wakes me up on a Sunday morning.
- # 104674 Just sold a lawn mower on eBay. That will be the last time my neighbor wakes me up on a Saturday morning.
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