Funny Status Message #126151
X is Watching hagel's interview: why doesn't any reporter ask him that we are the biggest threat to world peace rather than any other nation?
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- Related Status Messages:
- # 168549 The FBI keeps insisting that the greatest threat to America is "Right Wing Extremist Groups." In the mean time people & cops are being murdered across the nation by anything other than that. Beginning to think the biggest threat is those FBI warnings.
- # 78818 There is no greater threat to world peace than an idiot running on the loose with a bible/Koran in his hand.
- # 208456 Parenting teenage boys is like managing a small, rebellious nation. Negotiations are intense, there's always drama, and you're constantly working to keep the peace. But hey, at least I'm getting real-world experience in crisis management. 🤣🥰😄
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