Funny Status Message #10970
X REPOST!! URGENT FACEBOOK UPDATE: As of today, Facebook staff will be allowed to eat your children and pets. To turn this option off, go to settings, then privacy, then meals. Click the top two boxes to prevent the employees of Facebook from eating your be

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 11121 As of today, Facebook staff will be allowed to eat your children and pets. To turn this option off, go to Settings > Privacy > Meals. Click the top button to not feed the employees of Facebook anything. Copy this to your status to warn your friends.
- # 10967 As of today, Facebook staff will be allowed to eat your kids and pets. To turn this option off, go to Settings, then Privacy, then Meals. Click the top button to not feed the employees of Facebook. Copy this to your status to warn your friends!
- # 10969 f you don't know, as of today, Facebook will automatically start plunging the Earth into the Sun. To change this option, go to Settings: then Planetary Settings: then Trajectory: then UN-CLICK the box that says 'Apocalypse.' Facebook kept this one quiet.
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