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Free Digital Camera

It's Easy Learn How Here

Your Free Digital Camera Choices...

Canon A630
Digital Camera


Coolpix 7900

Or $325 Free Cash
These things retail for

You need the following:

  • An address in the United States or Canada
  • 15 minutes of your time
  • a valid email account
How it Works (more detailed info below):
  • Create an Account
  • Complete an offer for a free trial of a product or service
  • Refer some friends to do the same
  • Get a completely free digital camera! (no hidden charges)

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2025

1) Create an account at this site (Sign up now and your link will be placed here once I complete all of my referrals). Choose which camera you want and enter an email address and your desired password.

Use a free e-mail account if you are concerned about spam mail

2) Choose Option B so you only have to do 1 offer

3) Once you're in, you should see a list of free trials. Pick one of the trials that shows the cost as "FREE" or any other trial you are interested in.

YOU MUST USE INTERNET EXPLORER FOR THIS PART! Safari or Firefox will not work.

 Now complete ONE of these offers:

Gamefly.com: Get games delivered right to your door..


Creditreport.com: Order a free credit report and score. This should be done at least once a year any ways so why not get a free gift from it!


Equifax.com: Free trial to equifax credit card report!


eFax: Try the eFax 30-day free trial. Send and receive faxes through your home computer! Quick and easy to complete.


Any other available offers you are interested in.

Once you completed an offer wait a few days and keep checking back on your "Check Status" page. You should receive confirmation for completing your offer in a few days

4) Now it is time for you to refer 7 people to complete the requirements. Find 7 people and send them your referral link so they can sign up and complete their offers. Once they complete their offer, you will receive notification on your "Check Status" page that you have officially referred someone.

5) After you have completed that, you will need to confirm your shipping address, select which digital camera you want, and wait for delivery of your free digital camera. That's it!.

Be sure to check out this page again as I will update it with the status of my free digital camera. I think I am gonna go with the PowerShot
SD550 . It looks like the best deal!

Offer Background:

This is not a scam!

I have received items for completing similar deals offered by the same company, OfferCentric, LLC.

Below is a check I received on 1/15/05 from OfferCentric.

... more OfferCentric Proof

They are able to offer free digital cameras by charging companies for advertising in the sign up process. I have seen a lot of people from many different internet sites who have successfully completed offers received their free digital camera with no hassle.

If you don't need a digital camera sign up anyway, give it to a friend, sell it for profit or use it as a paper weight. You have nothing to lose and a free digital camera to gain! Good luck!

Note: All names and trademarks are owned by their respective copyright holders. Tjshome.com has no affiliation with any of the above mentioned companies.
The entire contents of this page is (c) 2007 Tjshome.com. Reproduction with or without modification is prohibited.