
HTML 7: Features and implementation of HTML 7
Posted by TJ on Friday June 11, 2010 @ 04:46 PM
[Tags: google, blog, internet]

Actually I don't know anything about HTML 7. In fact I haven't even fully grasped the changes in HTML 5 yet. I was just wondering... how successful would a blog be if you wrote only about the future?

The problem with blogs currently is too much competition. For every blog topic you think of one million bloggers already wrote about, leaving your blog in the last pages of search results. In fact, I would have used "HTML 6" as this article title but there are already 1.6 million results in Google for html6, even though html 5 is the current release version.

So writing about the future there is less competition and more likely to get good search visitors. I commonly write about topics that I found have little search results but let's see how writing about the future fares. Thanks for reading and being a part of this experiment.

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