[Tags: scam, business, economy]
Thanks goes to C Beattie (chuckbeattie.com) for sending in this scam. This is an email scam sent in reply to ads placed on Career Builder.
Avoid any association with this scam and do not respond to any emails from
"Premier Group Company" or "Premier Group Inc."
Do not deposit any checks received from the this offer. They are fake or fraudulent and if deposited will be subtracted from your bank balance once the fraud is discovered.
If you received another job scam featuring another company please forward the email to

(This email address does not accept attachments for security purposes)
How do I spot a job scam?
- The message is for a position that you did not apply for
- The message is from or asking for a reply to an email address from a free email provider (ie: @aol.com, @yahoo.com, @gmail.com, @rocketmail.com)
- The position is for a work at home job. Let's get real here most of these positions are hard to come by.
- The message provides no phone and/or no mailing address
- You are "hired" for the position with no actual real life interview.
- The company does not have a website or the website was created in the last year. Do a whois lookup to see when a domain was created.
- The job list few or no qualifications
- The message is written with poor English
- A Google search for the company finds little or no history for the company
- The email fails to mention you by name. Starts off with generic opening (ie: Dear job seeker, Dear applicant).
- The work at home position involves receiving payments, money transfers, or check cashing.
What should I do if I provided my information to scammers?
- Do not respond to further communications.
- Do not cash any checks you received from fraudulent offer.
- Do not direct wire any money to addresses provided.
- If you sent bank Information: Call your bank immediately and tell them what happened. They should be able to change your account number or cancel your account.
- If you are still concerned you might want to enroll in credit monitoring such as LifeLock Identity Theft Prevention
- You can also file a claim with The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). They are probably overloaded with these types of claim though, so I would not expect an individual response. You can also contact the Better Business Bureau or your states attorney general's office
- Post a comment below with any information you have on this scam to inform other people to try and avoid any future victims. Post the email you received with exact wording if different from original posted so when people search for terms they find this warning.
From: Ray Vega
Date: Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 10:45 AM
Subject: Vacancy for you (careerbuilder.com)
To: [[email removed]]
Dear ,
My name is Ray Vega and I represent Premier Group Company.
I have found your resume at careerbuilder.com. Judging from your resume, Premier Group Inc. I feel that you are a good match for this available position!
Premier Group Inc. is a world-famous company founded and based in the USA which deals with financial services such as escrow services for buyers and sellers of online auctions around the world. We offer our services to both closed commercial auctions where the number of buyers is limited and popular online auctions such as ebay.com, amazon.com and yahoo.com.
Financial Agent position is:
- part-time (on average 2-3 hours a day Monday through Friday)
- work from home (most of the communication is made online)
What do you need? Internet access and e-mail.
This position is offered on a trial period (first month) basis. You will receive on-line training, on-line support and assistance from a personal supervisor while working and being paid.
Trial period is paid at $2300/month. In addition you will receive 8% commission for every payment received and successfully processed. Total income, with the current volume of clients, amounts up to $4,500 per month.
My goal is sparking your interest. In the present economy, our position offers training, support and a pay scale comparable to entry level position requiring 40 hours per week. I hope you will explore, compare, and then contact me with your questions.
If you are interested in our offer and would like to learn more about the Financial Agent position, please send the form below with your updated contact information to emp.premier.group@gmail.com
Our representative will contact you within 24 hours.
First name:_____________________
Last name:___________________________
Country of residence:__________________
Contact phone:______________________
Preferred call time:_______________________
We found your resume at www.careerbuilder.com. This letter confirms that your resume has been duly processed and your skills and past employment meet our basic requirements for the Financial Manager vacancy.
Best regards.
Ray Vega
Premier Group Inc.
If you receive this scam and found this post helpful please post a comment so I know these warnings are being read! Thanks!
- Related Articles:
- Job Scam: Career Builder Position349
- Advan LTD. AKA Advan Group LTD Careers are a scam
- Job Scam: Dear Jobseeker Part-time employment: Accountant (Remote vacancy; 2500 USD/month, No investment)
Reader Comments (Page 1 of 3)
Friday September 18, 2009 @ 12:39 AM
I also recieved this email today...I thought it sounded good...but i researched it first and im glad i did.
Friday September 18, 2009 @ 10:02 PM
Hey man, I am very grateful for this information, I got this email and immediately was suspicious, I am glad I looked it up and now this infor' has eased my mind and now am sure it aint for real. It was too real to be true.
Thank you for this posting.
Friday September 18, 2009 @ 10:55 PM
I received this e-mail recently and you blog came up when I googled the name of the company and the person's name on the e-mail. Thanks!
Monday September 21, 2009 @ 12:04 PM
I received this e-mail recently to, but they got my name off yahoo hotjobs. Thanks for info
Monday September 21, 2009 @ 03:08 PM
I received the e-mail today, and like I everyone else this just seemed too good to be true. I am glad that I googled his name and found this blog. Thanks for looking out for the rest of us.
Tuesday September 22, 2009 @ 03:28 PM
I just got one of his emails today and what a crock of crap! I went to google his name and supposed company and found nothing relating to his supposed claims. But when I did I found your website with your warning and was relieved to know that I wasn't the only one! Thank you!
Wednesday September 23, 2009 @ 08:23 AM
Got this one too...knew it was a scam, but figured i'd see if anyone else did as well...great site, and great thing you're doing
Wednesday September 23, 2009 @ 02:28 PM
I am a fraud investigator (chief compliance officer) and will work with officials to capture this gentleman. Thanks for your post and warnings. This guy is toast if the feds will follow my advice and work with me.
Thursday September 24, 2009 @ 01:19 PM
I received this e-mail too today, but they got my name from yahoo hotjobs. What can they do with the information they are requesting (name, phone, country)?
Thursday September 24, 2009 @ 06:54 PM
Yep, got a very similar scam offer from same scumbag. Got my info from Hotjobs. Thanks for the warnings. This Ray Vega (most likely an alias) uses this email: career.premier.group[at]gmail.com
Thursday September 24, 2009 @ 09:33 PM
I just got this email too. Thanks for all the info!
Friday September 25, 2009 @ 02:04 PM
I received this email yesterday. Thanks for the heads up!
Friday September 25, 2009 @ 10:47 PM
I got this e-mail from katrina_mondeyson70[at]yahoo.com had to search this company because it sounds way too good!
Your work schedule will be based on your convenience with a base salary of $3000-$5000 per month (YEAH RIGHT)
Monday September 28, 2009 @ 03:24 PM
Received this e-mail today as well. People can be so lame.
Monday September 28, 2009 @ 06:13 PM
Add me to this list as well.
Monday September 28, 2009 @ 08:26 PM
I also Received this e-mail today. Thank God for the internet which let's us check out and weed out these types of scum!!! Thank you for the heads up!
Tuesday September 29, 2009 @ 12:48 AM
I received this job offer today from Ray Vega, with exactly same wording as described on your site. I was going to reply but thanks to your posting, now I won't.
Tuesday September 29, 2009 @ 05:30 PM
Just Received this email as I need a job I was excited at first. Thought I should just check online first. Thanks for the heads up. while I wish it were true most things we wish to be true ARE NOT :(
Wednesday September 30, 2009 @ 01:39 PM
I just got this email and I'm glad I researched it first. Thank you for this bit of info.
Wednesday September 16, 2009 @ 04:52 PM
Just received this Ray Vega Premier Group scam Email today. Of course I have enough common sense to know if something sounds too good to be true, it is...