[Tags: scam, internet, business]
This is a wide spread job scam. Most of the time the scammers gets your email address from ads placed on Craigslist. Avoid any association with this scam and do not respond to any emails from Wagner Mills Inc. If you already sent an email with your information they will promptly send you check to deposit once your job application is "accepted". Do no cash any checks received from the this "job". They checks will be canceled and the money will be taken from your account. The scammers are issuing fraudulent checks using real companies. Once the bank finds out the the checks are fake or fraudulent they will reverse the deposit even know the money may show in your account it will soon be taken out.
If you received another job scam featuring another company please forward the email to

How do I spot a job scam?
1.) The message is for a position that you did not apply for
2.) The message is from or asking for a reply to an email address from a free email provider (ie: @yahoo.com, @gmail.com)
3.)The position is for a work at home job. Let's get real here most of these positions are hard to come by.
4.) The message provides no phone and/or no mailing address
5.) The company does not have a website or the website was created in the last year. Do a whois lookup to see when a domain was created.
6.) The job has few qualifications
7.) The message is written with poor english
8.) A Google search for the company finds little or no history for the company
9.) The email fails to mention you by name. Starts off with generic opening (ie: Dear job seeker, Dear applicant).
*** This list is not all inclusive. Remember if you have to ask yourself if it's a scam it probably is!
What should I do if I provided my information to scammers?
- Do not respond to further communications.
- If you sent bank Information: Call your bank immediately and tell them what happened. They should be able to change your account number or cancel your account.
- If you are still concerned you might want to enroll in credit monitoring such as LifeLock Identity Theft Prevention
- You can also file a claim with The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). They are probably overloaded with these types of claim though, so I would not expect an individual response. You can also contact the Better Business Bureau or your states attorney general's office
- Post a comment below with any information you have on this scam to inform other people to try and avoid any future victims. Post the email you received with exact wording if different from original posted so when people search for terms they find this warning.
Reference No: - LSLCA/2031/ 8161/05 HO Ref:99645
Batch No: - R4/A313/2-60 Port
Application No: LSLCA/2031/ 8161/05 FCO Number: 812374
Respondent: Recruiting Officer
Dear Applicant
We received your resume and your application on Craigslist on the
April of this year but we are really sorry to inform you that this
Position as been filled, it is no more available. Our HR
Managers have gone through your resume and due to some certain
factors you have been picked as one of our possible candidate
to be one of our Accounts Payable Specialist which is the post
That is available right now.
We strive to ensure quality from crop to counter.
end, Wagner Mill Inc. requires the highest standards and
specifications, not just for product ingredients; every detail
of production, transport, delivery, preparation and service is
Also exhaustively monitored.
A focus on quality permeates every aspect of the business.
Wagner Mill Inc. standards lead the food industry, and we
continue to work with government and health officials to
Investigate improvements.
Wagner Mill Inc. also recognize the importance of a balanced
diet and lifestyle and continues to seek quality new products
Which satisfy customers expectations for taste and value? We
Are independent and privately owned.
We serve the entire United States, Your primary task for now,
as an Accounts Payable Specialist of this company is to
coordinate payments from clients and help us with the payment
Process. You are not involved in any marketing. You would be
responsible for receiving payments after we have offered our
professional services to our numerous clients. After this has
been done the customer has to pay for the service but in most
Cases we make our clients prepay for services. About 90 percent
of our clients prefer to pay through Certified Checks or Money
Orders drawn from the United State based on the amount
Involved. We have decided to open this new contract -to-hire
job position for solving this problem pending the time that we
Will open a branch office in this state.
Your First Primary task (Collection of Payments):
1. Receive payment from our Customers or Clients.
2. Cash Payment at your Bank.
3. Deduct 10% which will be your percentage/pay on Payment
4. Forward balance after deduction of percentage/pay to any of
the offices you will be contacted to send payment to, you have
a lot of free time doing another job, because this job is part
Time, you'll get good income. But this job is very challenging
And you should understand it. We are considering your
application because you satisfy our requirements and we are
sure you will be an earnest assistant till we start running our
Branch office in your state.
-You do not have to go out as you will work as an independent
Contractor right from your home office.
-Your job is absolutely legal.
-You can earn up to 3000-4000 dollars monthly depending on time
Will spend for this job. You do not need any capital to start.
-You can do the Work easily without leaving or affecting your
present Job. The employees who make efforts and work hard have
A strong possibility to become managers. Anyway our employees
Never leave us. But the problem we have is trust but we hope we
Can trust you.
Get back to us with the requirements below if you are
interested so that we can add your mailing address to our
Regional database and forward it to our customers for them to
Send payments after conducting background checks.
Full Names_______________
Mailing Address (Not P. O Box) _________________
City__ ___________________
Postal Code______________
Phone Number____________________
Email Address____________________
Marital Status___________
Send the requirements we asked for to this email address
We are not asking for your bank info neither are we asking for
your social security number, we are only asking for the name of
Your bank and that is all.
Your response to this email is needed, so that we can
reconfirm your mailing address details we have in our
We will be updating you as soon as the payment is being sent to
you and you will be directed as to where to have the remaining
90% of the money sent to, after the deduction of your 10% pay
On any payments received and processed by you.
A swift acknowledgment of the receipt of this email will be
Thanks For Your Total Understanding and Moral Cooperation.
Wagner Mill Inc. is an equal opportunity employer!
I can best be contacted by email as I am on computer every time.
I will be expecting your respones
Eric Dennis
Recruiting Officer
Wagner Mill Inc.
If you received this please post a comment so I know posting these warnings are useful.
- Related Articles:
- Job Scam: Exclusive, Inc Scam - Administrative Assistant
- Finally I am getting the respect I deserve
- Job Scam: Marathon Oil U.K. Ltd Account Clerk Position
Reader Comments (Page 2 of 3)
Wednesday June 3, 2009 @ 03:50 PM
Omg. i just put the check they sent me in the bank. now im reading this. what should i do? i cant believe i actually fell for this, but they didnt ask me to pay them for anything and they didnt ask for any information such as bank account number etc i thought it was real, and being desperate in this economy i totally fell for it. what would you suggest that i do now? that i put the check into my bank account, i do not want the money, and i deffinetly dont want to help them in this scheme.
Wednesday June 3, 2009 @ 05:09 PM
RE: Diana
I'm not really sure if your bank charges you when you try to deposit a bad check so I don't know if it is necessary to contact them to avoid any fee. The bank will end up reversing the check though so make sure you don't overdraft. You should stop all communications with the scammers and do not wire them any money.
Thursday June 4, 2009 @ 11:03 AM
I received the exact same email and few days ago. And he sent the fraudulent check! I checked it out and found it to be a fake, first. Of course he has quite responding to my emails. This website was very helpful and I appreciate it! Thank you!
Friday June 12, 2009 @ 11:18 AM
Thank you for your post. I received the exact email after responding to an employment ad on Craigslist. The ad was for plumbing and eco-friendly products. I'm glad I checked up. I only wish there was some way to catch these people.
Saturday June 20, 2009 @ 10:56 PM
I got this exact message i was looking for a receptionist job!!!!
Monday June 22, 2009 @ 12:28 PM
Thansk to this website I didnt send them money. I did cash the check and i ended up gettin 3,500 dollars in my account since I didn't wire them the money.. I went tot he bank and told them the whole story. they were very nice and understanding they just took the money back and told me I was a lucky one for not sending any money or I would of ended up having to pay all the money back. The nerve of "wagner mill inc" is that after I stopped responding to their emails, they sent me an email sayin you haven't been responding to our emails and if you dont send the money back we will have FBI on you, of course it was worded a lil more professionally but I simply sent them this email back:
Please do not send me any more messages. Reason of not responding to any of your emails, is because the check you sent me was fake. Its a smart way to fraud people, but not me. If you send me another email it will be I who will be reporting YOU to the FBI.
Thank you.
after that they didnt bother me again. but i really wish there was a way to cath these assholes but i heard that fbi have so many of these cases that it would be hard. =/ but to all of you guys out there, dont let this happen to you. be smart, look for the signs, theyre there!!! if its to good to be true, its cause it is!!!!
Wednesday June 24, 2009 @ 03:34 PM
It just happened to me. I am trying to sell something on Craigslist. The email wanted info right away saying important and urgent. The spelling and wording was strange so I googled and found you here. So glad I check it out before I replied. Thanks for being here.
Wednesday June 24, 2009 @ 05:07 PM
SC - It just happened to me too. I was trying to sell something today and got this email from a "Steve Dennis" from a wagnermillinc email address. The email says:
I came across your ad on Craigslist and i would like to know more Concerning the Item because it's important and urgent:
Firstly i would like to know if the item is still available for sale ?
Secondly let me know if its in good condition and What is the last bottom selling price,
Hope to hear from you soon
So I replied and said - "Let me guess... you are located out of state, you want to send me a money order that Im supposed to cash, then I send the difference to a shipping company or some bullsh*t like that?
I know your scam... you guys are being investigated by the FBI as we speak. How you havent been caught yet is beyond me!"
Needless to say that I havent received a reply yet.
Saturday July 4, 2009 @ 07:37 AM
I find this to be totally inhumane. The way today's economy is, and the amount of people unemployed. Sad to say what this world is coming to when people are desperately trying to find employment.
I received one of the e-mails, I'm not sure what made me want to Google the company, but something sounded fishy. I didn't respond to the e-mail.
Thank you for your posting, it helped me to determine this SCAM
Sunday July 5, 2009 @ 09:53 AM
Tuesday July 7, 2009 @ 11:59 PM
Thank you SO much for this!!!!
Saturday July 11, 2009 @ 02:01 PM
This was really helpful, I am going to report this scam and flag all future cragslist posts from that email address.
Tuesday July 14, 2009 @ 08:28 AM
Haha thank you!!! You really saved my ass here. I'm glad I did more research on this. You had my exact email!
Wednesday July 15, 2009 @ 09:14 AM
Thank you guys I just applied for a job at wagner mills inc and thats exactlly what I got ,so people be smart google your employers first.THANKS AGAIN YOU SAVED MY ASS.
Monday July 20, 2009 @ 11:40 AM
I saw their ad posting on craigslist and all I did was send them an email saying I was interested but I wanted more details then I got the above email and that's when I knew it was a scam. I hadn't sent my resume or any information. Never ever send a resume if you have a feeling that it's a scam. Just send an email asking for further details and see what happens. Needless to say, I'm not replying and putting it in my spam folder.
Friday August 14, 2009 @ 12:21 PM
Monday August 17, 2009 @ 07:04 PM
I was up all night last night looking through adds on various sights trying to find a job, as i have been unemployed for about 2 months.. So i replied to several posts and one of them was the "Wagner mills" post and i received a return email just like the rest of you on here... Then i also relied to a post for "personal assistant" i received the same type of email back !
Thanks for applying for the post, I quite I appreciate it? I received and
read your e-mail and it's reasonable and acceptable.
So I will give this a go"
I'm Fred Wiremu,the Director of Apollo Cruise and Tours.We package and organize tours and tourism,
we also do booking ,packaging and ticketing for cruise.
I'm sure you'll understand I tend to have a very busy schedule at this
point, as I am presently on the mediterrean, I will be back in the states in Three
Weeks.I think you're the right person for this post , Please note that
this position is not office based for now because of my frequent travels and
tight schedules, it's a part-time, work from home basis and the flexibility
means that there will be busier weeks than others, so it's a little
difficult judging the exact number of hours you'll be doing per week. If you
can manage your time properly, this job may even give you some extra while
you do something else on the side. As I have said, I'd want us to get a head
start with things as soon as possible. I do have a pile up of work and a
number of unattended chores which you can immediately assist me with, I hope
we can meet up with the workload eventually. Permit me to use the coming
week to test your efficiency and diligence towards all this, also to work
out your time schedule and fit it to mine. I really need to find the perfect
person for this job, I'm confident you can take up the challenge and on the
long run we should have a relatively sound working relationship between us.
It may be a little difficult working out the time difference between us
initially, with time however, we should get used to it. I'm online most of
the time as I am hard of hearing so I prefer to we contact each other
through E-mails, but if there is need for me to call, I will make use of the
online means of making phone calls. I am glad you are willing to work with
me and i promise to be a good boss. I am also glad on the commitment in
working. I have been checking my files and what i would want you to do for
me this week is to run some errands out to some of the orphanage home, I do
that every month . The funds will be in form of Money Order and it will be
sent over to you from one of my clients and i have some list to email you
once you received the funds,You will make some arrangements by buying some
stuff for the kids in the nearest store around you so you can mail them out.
I will get you more information on that,I will like you to get back to me
with your Contact Details such as:
Full Name:
Contact Address NO P.O BOX:
Cell Phone Number:
US Citizen Yes/No:
Once I have received your contact information, I will get back to you with
the task for this week,Understand you will also be paid as well as its
important for me to make the necessary steps before i get back from my
business trip back to the states.
Hope I am clear with that.
Get back as soon as possible
Its soooo incredibly annoying because i take the time to email and attach my resume and I'm already discouraged as it is without having a job and all ... To have these assholes try to take advantage of innocent people like myself .. i was really trying to stay focused and keep searching, but at this point i feel like i should just head right over to the unemployment office !!
Just FYI to anyone some scamming Key words are :
work from home
im away on business
money order
Wagner Mills
Fred Wiremu
Apollo cruise and tours
Just be careful & do your research and THANKS so much to this site !!!!
Thursday October 1, 2009 @ 09:05 PM
I received this same email yesterday, Something told me to look up the company..Glad I did
Friday October 2, 2009 @ 09:32 AM
I just received the exact same email,word for word , that you have listed from a recruiting agent from Wagner Mills I started to get suspicious when i did not see a website and they were rushing me to move forward.Generally speaking when a company asked information about your banking,it should always be very suspicious.
Thanks again for warning me about this scam and I think craigslist should be made aware of it.
Wednesday June 3, 2009 @ 02:48 PM
I'm glad I'm not alone in this. It's so goddamn maddening when you're really hurting in the job hunt and it seems most of the responses you get are scams.