Awkward Moments Search (beta)
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That awkward moment when...
you post a funny status on Facebook and someone has to ruin it by commenting being all serious!
That awkward moment when...
you are late for class, and when you walk in, everyone stares at you like you killed someone.
That awkward moment when...
someone isn’t txting you back and then you see them update their status from mobile…
That awkward moment when...
two people start a conversation on your facebook status.
That awkward moment when...
you type HO instead of HI.
That awkward moment when...
you yell "hey slut" & 15 girls turn around.
That awkward moment when...
your sarcasm isn’t understood in a text.
That awkward moment when...
Life’s just one big awkward moment.
That awkward moment when...
there’s a hair in your mouth and you can’t find it so you’re just grabbing your tongue, in public.
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