Funny Status Message #76630
X Due to the failing economy, trick or treaters will be ID this year. I will be giving out candy to the ages of 6 to 9 years of age. Parents with infants, we know the child can't eat candy due to the lack of teeth. Get your own damn candy thanks.

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 114410 All year I try to give candy to children and the parents start yelling "don't take candy from strangers!"Then Halloween comes around and you send the brats to my front door. Well I'm keeping my candy this time!
- # 115200 I'm going as a undecided voter this year.I'm going to be the one to pick out everyone's candy for the next 4 candy choice will be made on little facts and zero intellectual reasons,leaving everyone to have terrible candy for 4 years.
- # 77668 Using Candy from last yr for "trick or treaters" =)
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