Funny Status Message #42130
X Let my friends talk me into smokin "chronic" for the first time last night but I prob. should've skipped my Ambien dose. Apparently, I started and completed my first book.."101 Ways to Prepare Succulent Penguin"...I didn't even know you could eat Penguin

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 109259 11 year olds today: "Omg I love smokin pot. I get like so drunk. Yolo!" Me when I was 11: "I can't wait to go home and play Club Penguin!
- # 98529 What a night! Got drunk with some friends; broke into the zoo; had a very realistic dream about having sex with a midget nun; woke up with a penguin in my bed. EPIC!
- # 44299 apparently my wife didnt think "Who lit the fuse on your tampon?" was half as funny as my friends did
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Funny Facebook Statuses
Friday January 7, 2011 @ 08:58 PM
Stop smoking cause it seems like you already lost some brain cells!!!! lol