Funny Status Message #3335
X is Everything in life is temporary, the happiness and the sorrows, so live your life to the fullest everyday.

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 67151 You only live once. Have fun, enjoy life to the fullest, do what you want and don't look back, smile, love somebody. live for the future, not the past. Life is too short to be p!ssed off all the time!
- # 9266 the only break in life you get is when you die. Live life to the fullest. Be who you are and let these mortals know who you are, They will never forget you.
- # 54087 People will always have an opinion about you. Whether positive or negative. They will tell you to your face or behind your back. Do what makes you happy. Live your life to the fullest. Life is too short to worry about someone's opinions.
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