Funny Status Message #27950
X I like to slip condoms into the carts of little old ladies at the store and then watch their reactions when their checking out.

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 82093 Sometimes just for laughs, I slip condoms into the carts of little old ladies at the grocery store and then watch for the checker's reaction....
- # 29791 I'm shocked at the amount of condoms old ladies buy the moment they leave their shopping carts unattended.
- # 35769 Ok who was the moron that came up with idea of the kiddie shopping carts shaped like animals,trains, race, cars or whatever! Parents do you really need to push your kids around the store in in a shopping cart bigger then the car you came to the store in!
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Friday July 30, 2010 @ 10:48 PM
Hell yeah thats good shit! lmao