Funny Status Message #191939
X is At a blood bank, a nurse extracts the blood. Wouldn't it be nice if the nurse at the sperm bank did the extractions too?

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 183973 The reason you get paid more at a sperm bank than a blood bank is because the sperm is hand made.
- # 128080 Doctor: "In order to find out exactly what's wrong, you'll need to see the nurse and have a blood test." " Alright," I said, "How long will that take?" "About a week." he replied. "A week with your nurse sounds Ok" I said, "But how much damn
- # 45991 note to self, next time at the sperm bank.. when offered 'adult materials', don't give a quick wink to the nurse and say "no thanks, I've got a great imagination".
Comments (3)
Comments for this message(Page 1 of 1)
Wednesday June 19, 2019 @ 03:18 PM
That sure would make me become a donor
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Funny Facebook Statuses
Tuesday February 26, 2019 @ 04:46 AM
I guess that when it comes to the morality over choosing love over hate, IDTN chooses hate.