Funny Status Message #154524
X says Her: "Now, I'm going to go to the bathroom and take off my 1 pound of makeup, high heels, push-up bra, colored contacts and 3/4 of my hair and then we're going to talk about YOU being more honest."

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 159732 n't it ironic that a woman wears makeup, mascara, a push up bra, spanx and high heels but wants a man who's honest!
- # 16921 Ladies, when you expect a guy 2 be completely honest with u, I laugh. you women wear heels- UR not that tall, you wear makeup- you don't look like that, you color you hair- UR not a blonde. Everything about you is a lie & you expect a man to tell you the
- # 91547 difficulty trusting someone with colored contacts...they have already lied to me once.
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