Funny Status Message #151309
X says I got you something better than a present. I wrote "happy birthday dude" on your Facebook when a robot reminded me it was your birthday.

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 118653 Thank you for the birthday wished. I'd comment on each of them, but I'm lazy. Plus this way those that have yet to wish me a happy birthday will see this post and be reminded to do so. Ultimately resulting in more birthday wishes on my FB wall. :0)
- # 23772 I don't really know you , and I dont know how I added you to my facebook, but it says its your birthday today and to wish you happy birthday , so happy birthday mutha F@%$#&
- # 60395 Why is it that whenever I wish someone a happy birthday they always assume Facebook reminded me? Do you ever think maybe just maybe I care that much to remember the day you were born.
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Funny Facebook Statuses