Funny Status Message #131873
X says for the question "Do Amish murderers get the acoustic chair? The answer is no. They use static electricity from the carpet.

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 131811 Do Amish murderers get the acoustic chair?
- # 14164 I had a philosophy class where the only question on the final was he put his chair on his desk, and wrote on the board, "Prove to me this chair doesn't exist". I got an A because I had the best answer. I just wrote down, "What chair?". Worked like a charm
- # 16717 you've just received an Amish Virus. Since we don't have electricity or computers, you're on the honor system. Please delete your files. Thank thee
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Funny Facebook Statuses
Saturday August 24, 2019 @ 04:04 PM
Amish homes have hardwood floors. They woud have to rub a cat and a sheep together to get static.