Funny Status Message #101236
X is Oi, FB friends, enjoy, love and relax..... love what you do and love the people around you... but always be prepared to explore and be ready for change............ dont get bored and dont be boring.......

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 193292 Dont try to change to please someone else. Love yourself, honor yourself, respect yourself, and be your own person, and someone will love you just they way you are!.....Unless of course your just a narcissistic jerk. Then by all.means, change!
- # 79149 People now a days throw the word love around like its a goddamn frisbee! How are you going to start dating someone and 4 days later post how much you love them? B!tch you dont even know them!
- # 22383 dont make love in your back garden! love is blind but ur neighbours arnt!!
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Funny Facebook Statuses