
So I decided to start the new year off with a blog...
Posted by TJ on Tuesday January 2, 2007 @ 12:56 PM
[Tags: personal, blog, web design]

[Mood: blah]

I have been wanting to start posting a blog for a while now. I just needed the time and more importantly the ambition to create the code. Yeah that's correct, most people just write in their blogs.. I write the code for the blog then write in the blog.

What people do not realize is how much trouble it takes to create each new page on Tjshome.com. I create, manage, and run everything on Tjshome.com myself. To give you an idea of the work that goes into each page here are the components this blog needed to get up and running:
  • Database - This is where the data is stored
  • Form - This is the form that I use to write a new blog (162 lines of code)
  • Processor - This previews the blog and processes the submitted dated. Here we puts the blog into codeable content and adds it to the database so the data can be recalled later. (172 lines of code)
  • Administration - This will have a list blogs so I can go back and edit/delete blogs at a later date. I still have to create this. I still have to code this page. (100-150 lines of code)
  • Main page - this is page you;re reading now. Here we recall the data from the database and put it into a nice readable layout. (250 lines of code)

So yea that's what takes to create a new page. It is a lot of typing, coding, testing, and recoding. But I hope it was worth it and at least some people will read my useless ramblings. The ability to add/post comments will come within the next few days.

And on a fun note...
Over the weekend I went to Commerce Bank and used their Penny Arcade to cash all my change. The machine counts all your change for you and then you goto the teller to get your money. Those people at Commerce Bank sure are helpfull and friendly too, seriously. It is a lot better than those machines you see at the supermarket because the bank does not charge a fee.
Here is a pic of the change bottle before I cashed it in:

This netted me $375.11 ... Woot!

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