[Tags: scam, internet, craiglist]
This is an email scam sent in reply to ads placed on Craigslist. Thanks goes to NHernandez for sending this one in.
Avoid any association with this scam and do not respond to any emails from Acrylon Plastics
Do not cash any checks received from the this offer. They are fake or fraudulent and if deposited will be subtracted from your bank balance once the fraud is discovered.
If you received another job scam featuring a a different company please forward the email to

How do I spot a job scam?
1.) The message is for a position that you did not apply for
2.) The message is from or asking for a reply to an email address from a free email provider (ie: @aol.com, @yahoo.com, @gmail.com, @rocketmail.com)
3.)The position is for a work at home job. Let's get real here most of these positions are hard to come by.
4.) The message provides no phone and/or no mailing address
5.) The company does not have a website or the website was created in the last year. Do a whois lookup to see when a domain was created.
6.) The job list few or no qualifications or
7.) The message is written with poor English
8.) A Google search for the company finds little or no history for the company
9.) The email fails to mention you by name. Starts off with generic opening (ie: Dear job seeker, Dear applicant).
10.) The work at home position involves money transfers or check cashing.
*** This list is not all inclusive. Remember if you have to ask yourself if it's a scam it probably is!
What should I do if I provided my information to scammers?
- Do not respond to further communications.
- Do not cash any checks you received from this fraudulent offer.
- Do not wire any money to addresses provided by scammers.
- If you sent bank Information: Call your bank immediately and tell them what happened. They should be able to change your account number or cancel your account.
- If you are still concerned you might want to enroll in credit monitoring such as LifeLock Identity Theft Prevention
- You can also file a claim with The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). They are probably overloaded with these types of claim though, so I would not expect an individual response. You can also contact the Better Business Bureau or your states attorney general's office
- Post a comment below with any information you have on this scam to inform other people to try and avoid any future victims. Post the email you received with exact wording if different from original posted so when people search for terms they find this warning.
From: hensenn@rocketmail.com
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 4:21 PM
To: [[email removed]]
Subject: Re: New York (New York)
Acrylon Plastics Ltd., established in 1983, is a leading plastics molding company, employing rotational molding, vacuum-forming & pressure forming technologies. With 80,000 ft. 2 in two plants in Winnipeg and Winkler, Manitoba, Acrylon produces a multitude of custom-molded products and a diverse range of proprietary products for a wide variety of industries and markets. Products are marketed directly to OEM manufacturers and through agents and distributors in Canada and the United States
Qualified to ISO 9001, Acrylon is committed to delivering superior
customer value and service and to producing environmentally responsible products for all applications.
Acrylon Plastics designs and manufactures custom rotational molded products, thermoformed parts and profile extrusions in a wide range of materials to meet the needs of many industries and applications. Over 30 years of continued research and development in the plastics technologies we employ, makes us an acknowledged leader in the manufacturing of plastic products. Our unique diversity and reputation for quality in manufacturing complex, close tolerance parts has been the basis of our leadership.
From design to delivery, Acrylon Plastics has the expertise to meet the diverse needs of our customers. Our design and production engineers are available to work with you to select the right process and materials for your application.
Country of Ownership: Canada
Year Established: 1980
Exporting: Yes
Quality Certification: ISO 9001
Primary Industry (NAICS): 326198 - All Other Plastic Product Manufacturing
Alternate Industries (NAICS): 326122 - Plastic Pipe and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing
326193 - Motor Vehicle Plastic Parts Manufacturing
326196 - Plastic Window and Door Manufacturing
333511 - Industrial Mould Manufacturing
Primary Business Activity: Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Total Sales ($CDN): $25,000,000 to $49,999,999
Export Sales ($CDN): $10,000,000 to $24,999,999
Number of Employees: 200
We have accepted your application for the job and We have your information in our database. The primary goal of the Account Receivable Clerk is to provide local customer assistant to our clients within North America. You will be assisting our clients within South&North America, the assistance to be provided will include: payment collections and customer service.The HR Managers checked your resume and you have been picked as one of our possible candidates for Accounts Receivable Manager due to some factors of the Company, Your primary task would be receiving payments for our company and Customers. We are about to open a representative offices or authorized sales centers in some local city in the States. Your Accounts Receivable Clerk duty would be that you become ourAccount Receivable Manager (ARM) and its a contract -to-hire position which is a 1 month trial after which the position is made full time .Please be advised that we need total dedication for the job.
Your duties will include: Collecting Local Payments
When a buyer in United States decides to purchase an item through an online auction from our sellers he has the following payment options:pay pal, international wire transfer, international check, or local wire transfer. The quickest option of these is local wire transferring. Local wire transfers are the option that the sales support representative will provide to the clients.
- Managing Data
Along with the payments received from buyers you will be receiving details for these sales. These details will include items sold, price, and buyer's information. You are to file and maintain these purchasing records and transactions.
- Forwarding of the Payments
Once you receive each payment you will be keeping 10% as commission and forwarding the rest to the seller or representative, whose information will be provided prior each transaction. It is crucial to complete forwarding of the payments in a time efficient manner.
Here is an example of a brief report:
Date: 15 05, '09
Buyer: Proscope Systems
Item: IEM-Plastics and Rubber
Price: $ 5,921.27
10% Commission : $ 592
Fees: $ 115
Total Forwarded: $5514
Forwarded to: Raymond Yee ,Edmonton, canada
Area of Responsibility: Finance/Accounting
- Fees, and Transferring Procedures
All fees are covered by the company. The fees for transferring are simply deducted from the payments received. No client will contact you during initial stage of the trial period. After three weeks of the trial period you will begin to have contact with the buyers via email in regards to collection of the payments. For the first three weeks you will simply receive all of the transferring details, and payments,along with step by step guidance from your supervisor. You will be forwarding the received payments by wire transfer.
: Additional Information
During the trial period, you will be paid 1,500USD per month while working on average 3-4hours per day, plus 10% commission from every payment received and forwarded. The salary will be sent in the form of wire transfer directly to your account. After the trial period your base pay salary will go up to 1,800USD per month, plus 10% commission.
You will receive a monthly invoice stating your total income. All applicable taxes are covered by the company.
Your First Primary task (Collection of Payments)
1. Receive payment from our Customers or Clients.
2. Make Cash Payment at your Bank or any cashing facilities near you.
3. Deduct 10 % which will be your percentage/pay on Payment processed
4. Forward balance after deduction of percentage/pay to any of the offices you will be contacted to send payment to, you'll have a lot of free time doing another job, because this job schedule is flexible,you'll get good income .But this job is very challenging and you
should understand it.
Please kindly fill your details below, so that you can get started.
Full Name : ___________
Full Address: _________
City: _________________
State: _______________
Zip/Postal code:________
Home phone :__________
Cell phone: ___________
Recent occupation: ______
Gender: _______________
Personal Email Address:___
Human Resources Manager
Acrylon Plastics
If you receive this scam and found this post helpful please post a comment so I know these warnings are being read! Thanks!
- Related Articles:
- Job Scam: Hl Plastics - Customer Service Position
- Free stuff on Craigslist
- Scam: Canon Oil Inc accounts payable careers
Reader Comments (Page 1 of 1)
Wednesday September 2, 2009 @ 09:04 AM
I just received this e-mail from them today, so I went online to check out the company and saw the scam warning. thank you so much for getting the message out there! I hope that everyone that receives this same e-mail will check them out online and get your message regarding this scam before they get themselves into a mess. thanks again!
Friday September 4, 2009 @ 01:46 AM
Actually they are stepping up their game per-se. I replied to their initial email just for kicks, but today I actually received a check via an overnight Fed-Ex. The checks look very legit...Compared to checks I already receive from my current employer.
The checks are also labeled somewhat legit-ly too.. The check I received was in the amount of $3,200 and coming out of a actual Cosco retail location. The Fed-Ex itself came out of Houston, and the other number listed on the Fedex goes to a cell phone out of New Jersey.
Any ideas what I should do with the check? Try to turn it in somewhere or just destroy it?
Friday September 4, 2009 @ 09:49 AM
This is is the same thing they being doing the whole time. The checks are real but either the name on the check or the signature was forged. As posted in the original post above
"Do not cash any checks received from the this offer. They are fake or fraudulent and if deposited will be subtracted from your bank balance once the fraud is discovered."
Wednesday September 16, 2009 @ 08:22 AM
I received a similar random email from this "company" and searched for legitimacy. I can sleep at night knowing I didn't miss out on some great opportunity! Thank you!
Friday September 25, 2009 @ 01:27 PM
Just got one and checked online to see if it was legit...Thanks for making my decision to delete this email quick and easy!
Saturday September 26, 2009 @ 09:39 AM
Thank you sooooooo much for this info. I'm actually not new in this internet fraud game. Ive been job hunting for about 2 months now, so i've come across all sorts of rubbish like this. i always google the name of the company and even go as far as checking their name on complaints board. i suggest u all do the same, just to be on the safe side. Its better to stay jobless than be scamed!!!
Wednesday September 30, 2009 @ 12:27 AM
I already cashed it lol so i can't get my moeny back??
Wednesday September 30, 2009 @ 09:51 AM
No lol rofl
Friday October 2, 2009 @ 03:45 PM
Yet got this offer today as you can see knowing there are a lot of scams out there I checked them out .It pays to always check any offer ou.
Monday October 12, 2009 @ 08:02 AM
Received this one today. Much better writtten than others but thanks to your site, verified it as a scam, just as I thought. thanks!!
Friday October 16, 2009 @ 12:35 PM
Wow i wouldn't have responded to it anyway but I'm glad I looked them up out of curiosity. I get at least 1 of these types of emails every month or so, you would think that after a while they would realize I'm not stupid enough to fall for it. But I'm glad this list is here for me to check any other job offers i might get -snicker- over the internet.
Sunday October 25, 2009 @ 08:48 PM
And maybe some grammer lessons will come with "da" check dude
Sunday November 8, 2009 @ 10:46 PM
Thanks for the info., I received this email signed by some Henry Williams. Smell fishy to me, so I decided to check the company out...
"Acrylon Plastics® established in 1983, is a leading plastics molding company,We have Job Offer Available for you. This will not affect your present Job. We need
a company assistant/secretary to help process payments and get 10% on each Payment Processed till we can have a location in your Area."
Sunday November 8, 2009 @ 10:49 PM
Thanks for the info., I received this email signed by some Henry Williams. Smell fishy to me, so I decided to check the company out...
"Acrylon Plastics® established in 1983, is a leading plastics molding company,We have Job Offer Available for you. This will not affect your present Job. We need
a company assistant/secretary to help process payments and get 10% on each Payment Processed till we can have a location in your Area."
Thursday December 3, 2009 @ 10:52 AM
I have indeed received a similar email and decided to research further before responding. Thank you so much for this service.
-----Original Message-----
From: john.avocet[at]homecall.co.uk [mailto:john.avocet[at]homecall.co.uk]
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 8:03 AM
To: hensenn[at]btinternet.com
Subject: {Resume}
Good Day,
We are currently a company assistant/secretary to help process payments in
your locality.
1. You will receive funding for the assignment.
2. You will receive the Instruction for your assignment via email on the
location and details of the assignment.
3. You are to complete the assignment as fast and discreetly as possible.
4. You will be asked to visit a business location to conduct business be it
your favorite restaurant,retails store etc.
You will receive a flat sum of $200 per assignment. The company will furnish
you with all expense needed for the assignment and any other expense
incurred during the course of executing your assignment.
Note: You are to follow all instructions given to you to the fullest and you
must check your email everyday both inbox,spam or junk mails for important
updates from us.
Your Full Name:
Your Address (NOT P.O Box):
City, State, Zip:
Phone Number(s):
Regards .
Human Resources Manager
Acrylon Plastics®
Henry Williams
Friday December 18, 2009 @ 07:52 AM
I replied to their post from Craigslist (of course not knowing) and received there email this morning. I almost thought for a chance this might be legit but I decided to google and BOOM I found this website. Thanks so much!!
Friday July 2, 2010 @ 08:54 AM
I just got one that is looking for mystery shoppers. Noticed a acrylon email address from sender. I found your site while researching the company. The company on this email is Market Force Inc. so not sure about that but is asking for the same information and the letter was written alot like described in others above. Beware.
Monday November 15, 2010 @ 03:37 PM
Nov. 15, 2010
Received e-mail come on and was suspicious and began search to check out. Thanks for posting the scam alert.
Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 01:45 PM
I dont understand, I actually work for this company and we are a Legitimate plastics manufacturer but we have nothing to do with this offer. It was made up and then Our company was used as a profile. Acrylon is a good honest hard working company with many happy employees who enjoy working there.
Monday August 31, 2009 @ 05:10 PM
Another clue that it is a scam . . . they send you a cashier's check or money order and you are supposed to wire a portion on to another person.
Shawn Mosch
Co-Founder of Scam Victims United