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Best Fucking Survey

001. What is Your Name?
002. How old are you?
003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace?
~This or That~
004. Reptar or Barney?
005. Alcohol or water?
006. Dehidrate or have no legs?
007. Best friends or boyfriends/girlfriends?
008. Banana or apple?
009. Fruit or vegetable?
010. Agliophobia or Odynephobia?
011. Pain or lovesick?
012. Jump off a cliff or dive under a running train?
013. Hell or heaven?
014. Saints or sins?
015. Boogers or nose hairs?
016. Bubbles through mouth or nose?
017. What are you thinking of right now?
018. What are you wearing right now?
019. Who are you currently dating?
020. Has he/she asked you on a date yet?
021. Are you wearing her/his pajamie pants?
022. How many pets do you have?
023. Do you like/ love pain?
~Friends List!
024. #1?
025. #2?
026. #3?
027. #4?
028. #5?
029. #6?
030. #7?
031. #8?
032. #9?
033. #10?
034. #11?
035. #12
036. How long have you known #6?
037. Who is your closest friend?
038. Who lives the farthest?
039. Who lives the closest?
040. Who has your phone #?
041. Who called you last?
042. Who did you talk to last on aim?
043. Who is the last person that sent you a message
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