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Ultimate about me

001. What is Your Name?
002. How old are you?
003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace?
Whats your?..
004. Favourite colour
005. Most prized posession
006. Favourite thing to do on weekends
007. Favourite alcoholic drink
008. Dream job
009. Goal for this year
Have you ever?..
010. Gone on a nudey run
011. Been drunk
012. Done drugs
013. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do
014. Been in love
015. Lied to your parents
016. Stolen something
017. Whats the first thing you think when you wake up in the morning?
018. The dumbest thing you've ever done?
019. Your most embarassing moment?
020. The dumbest thing you've ever said
021. Favourite movie
022. Favourite item of clothing
023. Favourite sport
024. Favourite non-alcoholic beverage
Do you..?
025. Enjoy school
026. Hang out with friends much
027. Do stupid stuff all the time
028. Think you have agression problems
029. Have any pets
030. Go out much
031. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend
032. Eat junk food
033. Go shopping at least once a fortnight
Would you ever?..
034. Go out with someone you've never met (seriously)
035. Get as drunk as you can and start dancing on a truck
036. Light your limbs on fire for fun
037. Go out with someone for sympathy
038. Eat sand
039. Do an aqua turd
040. Sleep in a park for no reason
041. Try pot
042. Become a vegetarian for no reason
043. Become a transvestite
044. Do things just to annoy people
045. Eat an emo
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