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Thanksgiving DAY Survey...

001. What is Your Name?
002. How old are you?
003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace?
004. Do you Celebrate Thanksgiving? If not do not take..Duh.
005. How many people do you plan to see/visit?
006. How many of thoses people are family?
007. How many are Friends?
008. Is there anyone you wish youcould see but can't?
009. Who so you have to see but DONT want to?
010. Who can you not wait to see?
011. Where are you going?
012. Is this where you always go?
013. Food!
014. What is the main center food? Turkey, ham...Fish?
015. What foods must there be?
016. What food do you hate on Thanksgiving?
017. What is the weirdest food that you eat that most don't?
018. Are there any Traditional foods?
019. Does your family have any different traditions?
020. How do you dress on Thnksgiving?
021. Do you plan on watching the Football game?
022. How far do you plan to travel from home?
023. Do you say a Prayer before you eat?
024. Anything you could do to improve you Thanksgiving?
025. What most of all are you thankful for this year?
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