«All Surveys


001. What is Your Name?
002. How old are you?
003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace?
004. DO you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend?
005. If so what is his/her name?
006. Have you ever done it?
If so how far?
007. Are you prude?
008. How many bf/gf's have you had?
009. Have you ever been in love with just a friend?
010. Whenever you hear a song does it easily remind you of your lover?
011. When are you planning to do it with your lover?
012. Have you ever like someone that doesn't even live where you do?
Who last...
013. Did it with you?
014. Loved you or you loved?
015. Sang you a song?
016. Told you a poem?
017. Texted you saying I LOVE YOU?
018. Made you cry of a broken heart?
Your best friends..
019. Will help you get through a tough time?
020. Will give you support to do whatever?
021. HAve total confidence for you?
022. Is always there for you?
023. WIll continue to be there for you?
024. MAke you cry? how?
025. Who is you best friend?
026. Why?
027. The remind you of someone?
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