«All Surveys

Survey For Cool People

001. What is Your Name?
002. How old are you?
003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace?
004. Do you have a nickname?
005. Where were you born?
006. Whats your ethinicity?
007. Do you have a religion?
Love Life
008. Does love scare you?
009. Heartbreaker or Heartbroken?
010. Cheater or Faithfull?
011. How many times have you been in love?
012. Whats the biggest thing you do to #%$* up a relatioship?
013. Whats your biggest pet peeve other people do in a relationship to piss you off?
014. Your favorite body part on other people is?
015. Are you looking for a love of your life or love for the night?
016. Are you open to falling in love again?
Recreational Activities
017. Stay at Home or Paint the Town red?
018. Martini or Beer?
019. Vegas or Atlantic City?
020. What would be you ultimate party night?
021. Who would you want with you for that?
022. What would happen on the best "date" you've ever had?
023. Bar Stool or Dance Floor?
024. Mumbling Drunk or Passed Out In Some Hallway Somewhere?
025. Big or Small Pupil?
Muzic Makes You Lose Control
026. Whats your favorite artist/s ?
027. Who would you like to never hear again?
028. What songs did your ex KILL for you?
029. What did you listen to growing up?
030. What musical instrument have you ever played?
031. Do you sing?
032. What genre of music are you always listening to?
033. Whats your favorite song to play when your pissed off?
034. When your sad?
035. When your about to go out at night?
Other Junk
036. Whats your favorite City? Why?
037. How many times have you moved?
038. If you could live anywhere, where would that be?
039. What's the most traumatic thing that ever happened to you?
040. Who do you not have the balls to ask out?
041. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
042. Who's mailbox would you smash ?
043. Who would you want to beat up?
044. Are you financially responsible?
045. What type of girl/guy do you go for?
046. How do you think men should act?
047. How do you think women should act?
048. What's your favorite color?
049. Whats your favorite pair of shoes?
050. What was your most loved pet?
051. Favorite foods?
052. Most hated phrase?
053. Most loved phrase?
054. If you were to change your name what would it be?
055. Whats the most disgusting thing you've ever done?
056. Whats the nicest thing you've ever done?
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