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Would i date you?

001. What is Your Name?
002. How old are you?
003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace?
004. What's your sign?
005. What's your location?
006. How tall are you?
007. What's your body type?
008. Eye color?
009. Hair color?
010. Any Piercings?
011. Any tattoos?
012. Do you wear glasses?
013. Do you have braces?
014. Anything else?
Hobbies, etc:
015. Do you go to school?
016. Do you have a job?
017. Do you play any sports?
018. What do you like to do in your "spare" time?
019. Do you smoke ciggarrettes?
020. Do you drink achohol?
021. Do you smoke marijuana?
022. Do you do any other drugs?
023. Do you bite your nails?
024. Have you ever stolen or shoplifted?
025. Do you lie often?
026. Breakfast?
027. Dinner?
028. Dessert?
029. Candy?
030. Drink?
031. Vegi and/or Fruit?
032. Music genre?
033. Animal?
034. Color?
035. Season?
036. Time of day?
037. Childhood memory?
038. How good, would you say, you are at kissing?
039. What's your style of clothing?
040. What's your sexual orientation?
041. Do you think you're a attractive?
042. What would you say your best phyiscal feature is?
043. Have you ever been in love?
044. Have you ever been arrested?
045. Have you ever been cheated on?
046. Have you ever cheated on someone?
047. What's the longest relationship you've ever had?
048. How many relationships have you had?
049. What would you say are your 10 best qualities?
050. Favorite style of kissing?
051. Top 10 things you look for in a relationship?
In a girl:
052. Top 10 things you look for in a girl?
053. Preffered height and build?
054. Style of clothing?
How important is/are... in a girl/ relationship (1-10):
055. A sence of humor?
056. Good at kissing?
057. Communication?
058. Looks?
059. Eating healthy?
060. Money?
061. Sex?
062. Grades/Education?
063. Loyalty/ Being honest (Trust)?
064. Spending quality time?
065. Being independent of eachother?
066. Friends?
067. Family?
068. Confidence?
069. Cleanliness?
070. Thoughtfullness/ Understanding?
071. Having a lot in common?
072. Having fun together?
073. Having the same political views?
074. Monogamy?
075. Intelligence?
076. Being romantic?
077. Being girlie?
078. Maturity?
079. Optimism?
080. Creativity?
081. Religion?
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