«All Surveys

All About Me
Simple Things and Things You'd Never Think To Ask

001. What is Your Name?
002. How old are you?
003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace?
004. What is your eye color?
005. What is your hair color?
006. What is your height?
007. What is your weight?
008. How would you classify yourself? (skinny,chubby,athletic,average?)
009. Do you have a lot of self confidence?
010. Do you have any talents?
011. Are you left handed or right handed?
012. What are some of your hobbies?
013. Do you sing in the shower?
014. What kind of gum do you like?
015. How many times a day do you brush your teeth?
016. What is your style of clothing?
017. Do you have ambition?
018. Do you stand up for what is right?
019. Who is your crush?
In a guy/gurl:
020. What color eyes?
021. What color hair?
022. Do you prefer short or long hair?
023. Do you like bad boys/gurls, preps, or just good ol' average guys/gurls?
024. Do you prefer short or tall guys/gurls?
025. Do you mind if a guy/gurl is overweight?
026. What is the first thing you notice in a guy/girl?
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