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Sex and drugs

001. What is Your Name?
002. How old are you?
003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace?
Your a virgin i know it... and you do drugs
004. Do you remember your first time?
005. How was it?
006. Do you fake orgasms?
007. How much porn do you watch a week?
008. Are you a 2-pump-chump?
009. How many relationships have you had?
010. They were all sexual weren't they?
011. Ever gone black?
012. If so did you want to go back?
013. Ever had oral?
014. Have you ever been stoned?
015. Do you smoke 2 joints in the morning?
016. What about 2 at night?
017. You ever tried acid?
018. What about shrooms?
019. Extacy?
020. Any other pills?
021. Do you remember yesterday?
022. Your high right now aren't you?
023. What would you do if your parents found out?
Go smoke a bowl and get some head this quiz is over.
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