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About this beauty

001. What is Your Name?
002. How old are you?
003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace?
004. Areee yhu bipolar
005. Favorite color
006. Sportz
007. What iz your realationship status
008. Heiqht
009. Do yhu smoke
010. Do yhu drink
011. Drama
012. Friendzz
013. So done with
014. In love with
015. First loveee
016. First kiss
017. Ever had sex
018. Favoritee movieee
019. Raceee
020. Do yhu swear
021. Fearz
022. Chocolate or vinilla
023. McDonalds or Burqer kinq
024. Boyz or qulz
025. Cappuccino or coffee
026. Overly used word
027. Your mosted said phrase
028. Main squeezez
029. Aree yhu a tease
030. What is it like beinq yhu
031. Whatz thee first thanqq that attractz yhu on opposite sex
032. What would your dream quyy look like
033. Body type
034. Hair
035. Swaqq
036. Personality
037. Thuqq or nerd
038. Aqqressivee or romantic
039. Tall or short
040. Fat or skinny
041. Whatz thee best thinqq that ever happened to yhu
042. Do yhu hate anyone
043. Do yhu trust people
044. Favorite color
045. Can yhu do me a favor
046. Leave a comment or a messaqe cuase if yhu dont that would be rude
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