«All Surveys

All About a Girl {girls only!!}

001. What is Your Name?
002. How old are you?
003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace?
004. Whats your name?
005. What color are your nails?
006. Did you do them yourself?
007. Do you have a sister?
008. If so, do you tell her everything?
009. Ever flashed anyone? If so who?
010. Are you ready for some personal question?
011. Will you answer them honestly?
012. Are you PMSing?
013. Are you on your period?
014. Tampons or Pads?
015. What brand of underwear are you wearing now?
016. What color is your bra?
017. Have you ever kissed anyone?
018. What are you wearing?
019. Do you have a diary?
020. What does your last text msg say?
021. Do you love someone?
022. Do you like school?
023. When was the last time you cried?
024. Why?
025. Do you like this survey so far?
026. Are you spoiled?
027. Facebook or Myspace?
028. Do you have pubic hair?
029. If so, do you wax or shave it?
030. Rember when i said Tampons or Pads?
031. Why did you pick tampon/pad?
032. Do you tan?
033. What do you think of cheerleaders?
034. Do you get cramps on your period?
035. Do you think this survey is too personal?
036. Why are you taking it?
037. Do you shave your legs?
038. Are you happy this is over?
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