«All Surveys

The Survey

001. What is Your Name?
002. How old are you?
003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace?
004. Birthday:
005. Birthplace:
006. Current Location:
007. Eye Color:
008. Hair Color:
009. Height:
010. Right Handed or Left Handed:
011. Your Heritage:
012. Sexual Orientation:
013. Penis/Breast Size:
014. Lost Virginity At Age:
015. Your Perfect Pizza:
016. Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:
017. Instant Messenger:
018. First Thoughts Waking Up:
019. Your Best Physical Feature:
020. Your Bedtime:
021. Someone You Want A Discrete Encounter With:
022. Pepsi or Coke:
023. MacDonald's or Burger King:
024. Single or Group Dates:
025. Chocolate or Vanilla:
026. Cum Or Piss:
027. Cappuccino or Coffee:
028. Do you Smoke:
029. Do you Drink:
030. Do you Swear:
031. Do you Shower Daily:
032. Have you Been in Love:
033. Education:
034. Marital Status:
035. Have you Been in Love:
036. Children:
037. Religion:
038. Do you think you are Attractive:
039. Do you play an Instrument:
040. In the past month have you been on Drugs:
041. In the past month have you gone on a Date:
042. In the past month have you been Dumped:
043. Skinny Dipping:
044. Ever been called a Tease:
045. Ever been Beaten up:
046. Ever Shoplifted:
047. Stolen Anything:
048. What do you want to be when you Grow Up:
049. What country would you most like to Visit:
050. Clothing Style:
051. Number of Piercings:
052. Number of Tattoos:
053. Car:
054. You prefer which type of porn:
055. On your 21st birthday, what did/do you plan to do:
056. Occupation:
057. Languages:
058. Sexual Fantasies:
059. Favorite Websites:
060. Who I'd like to meet::
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