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Internet Chat Acronyms Dictionary
This page contains popular internet and chat acronyms and abbreviations. Now you can understand those AOL kiddies when they use this lingo.
A to C | D to N | O to Z |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E-F |
G |
H |
I |
J-K |
L-M |
N-O |
P-Q |
R |
S |
T |
A | A/S/L | Age/Sex/Location |
AA | Adios Amigo |
AAAAA | American Association Against Acronym Abuse |
AAMOF | As A Matter Of Fact |
AATK | Always At The Keyboard |
ABT | About |
ACD | Alt Control Delete |
ACK | Acknowledged |
ACRONYM | Abbreviated Coded Rendition Of Name Yielding Meaning |
ADN | Any Day Now |
AFAIAA | As Far As I Am Aware |
AFAIC | As Far As I'm Concerned |
AFAICS | As Far As I Can See |
AFAICT | As Far As I Can Tell |
AFAIK | As Far As I Know |
AFAIR | As Far As I Recall |
AFAIR | As Far As I Remember |
AFAIUI | As Far As I Understand It |
AFAYC | As Far As You're Concerned |
AFAYK | As Far As You Know |
AFB | Away From Brain |
AFC | Away From Computer |
AFCPS | Any Fool Can Plainly See |
AFDA | A Few Days Ago |
AFDB | A Few Days Back |
AFK | Away From Keyboard |
AFTP | Anonymous File Transfer Protocol |
AIH | As It Happens |
AIIC | As If I Care |
AIR | As I Remember |
AIS | As I Said |
AISB | As I Said Before |
AISI | As I See It |
AIUI | As I Understand It |
AIW | As It Were |
AKA | Also Known As |
ALA | As Long As |
ALAP | As Late As Possible |
AMAP | As Much As Possible |
AMF | All My Fault |
AOL | Army Of Lamers, America Online |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
ASF | And So Forth |
ASL | Age/Sex/Location |
ATB | All The Best |
ATM | At The Moment |
ATTN | Attention |
AWHFY | Are We Having Fun Yet |
AWOL | Absent Without Leave |
AWS | As We Speak |
AWYR | Awaiting Your Reply |
AYBABTU | All Your Base Are Belong To Us |
AYF | All Your Fault |
AYK | As You Know |
AYOR | At Your Own Risk |
AYPI | And Your Point Is |
AYT | Are You There |